What is this world coming to? A marriage proposal tech style.... see, romance comes in all fashions, and proposals, no matter how given are always romantic : )
A San Francisco web designer used Twitter to pop the question Thursday, asking his co-worker to marry him in what looks like might be the microblogging service's first-ever second marriage proposal.
Max Kiesler's
sweet tweet at 3:13 a.m. Thursday: "To @emilychang - After fifteen years of blissful happiness I would like to ask for your hand in marriage?"
Emily Chang's reply, a minute later: "@maxkiesler - yes, i do."
Kiesler, who founded strategic design consultancy
Ideacodes with Chang in 2005, confirmed Friday that
the story of the proposal, as reported by Mashable, is true.
Twitter co-founder Biz Stone said Kiesler's proposal could, indeed, be a historic moment for the microblogging service, which has grown in popularity since
making headlines at South by Southwest in 2007.
"It's hard to confirm for certain that it is the very first marriage proposal over Twitter," wrote Stone in an e-mail to Wired.com. "It may well be the first public marriage proposal over Twitter (some accounts are protected)."
We're looking forward to the possible
live twittering of the wedding ceremony.
UPDATE: Stephanie Sullivan of
W3Conversions e-mailed Friday to report that she and her fiancee,
Greg Rewis, got engaged March 2 via Twitter. The couple live in different cities and travel constantly, so the tweet engagement made sense for them.
"I thought it was the most romantic proposal ever!" writes Sullivan. "And he surprised me with the ring when we met on my layover in PHX (on our way to SXSW to speak)."
Here's the current contender for first Twitter proposal:
proposal: "@stefsull - ok. for the rest of the twitter-universe (and this is a first, folks) - WILL YOU MARRY ME?"
Sullivan's reply: "@garazi - OMG - Ummmmm... I guess in front of the whole twitter-verse I'll say -- I'd be happy to spend the rest of my geek life with you."
Rewis' justification for using Twitter rather than getting down on bended knee or using another, more modern, proposal ritual: "Screw Times Square! THIS, my friends, is the way to propose to a beautiful, wonderful woman!"